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  • Pledge


    In 2009, CIRCOR INSTRUMENTS TECHNOLOGIES (HOKE) hired HKK (SHANGHAI) INSTRUMENTATION TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD as the general agent in China and Hong Kong, exclusively engaged in the sales of HOKE, GO REGULATOR and CIRCLE SEAL CONTROLS, to provide a full range of fluid control system instrumentation valves, valve manifolds, fittings and other accessori...

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  • Online closed sampling system

    Online closed sampling system

    HKK closed sampling system commonly used in oil refining, petrochemical plant process pipe for closed loop sampling (Closed-loop Sampling), the sample back through the loop to ensure the validity of the sample, representative. Sampling device is suitable for high temperature and high pressure pipeline to deal with toxic, harmful or flamma...

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  • DEKORON heat tracing system
  • SILCOTEK special coating service
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Address: Room 111-115, Building 8, Zhongtian Science and Technology Business Park, No. 787 Kangqiao Road, Pudong New Area, Shanghai Tel: 86 (021) 3393 2900/3393 2901 Fax: 86 (021) 3393 2902